Hey! My name is Seth. In music, I go by the name badluv. Since you're here, I figured I'd let you know a little bit more about me and I how I got here.
I grew up in Ambridge Pennsylvania, a little city outside of Pittsburgh. I started writing raps when I was around 13-14 years old trying to be like Eminem. Lol. My upbringing wasn’t always pretty, much like a majority of everyone reading this. We’ve all had, and have, our issues growing up. Whether it’s with family, money, alcohol, drugs. Whatever the case, we’ve all seen it. As did I, and this was my way to cope. I wrote raps in school, after school, before school. All day I would jot down my thoughts and try and write clever lines. I never showed anybody though cause well, they were pretty awful lol. But I got better. Near the end of high school, the school was putting on a talent show. Hmm, ya know I think have a pretty interesting story. Why not? I signed up and wrote a rap about my life over a beat I found off YouTube in front of the whole school... and won! Right then and there looking at the crowd, looking back at me, I said to myself “I have to do this”. From that point on I became serious about creating a career in music. Although I sing more than I rap now and you will find me in the “pop” category. I still do it for the same reasons I started. I hope this music helps you as much as it helps me.